per·so·na /ˌpərˈsōnə/ noun
1. the aspect of someone's character that is presented to or perceived by others. "her public persona"
2. a role or character adopted by an author or an actor.
I am very blessed to be able to connect and work with the people I do. I've been doing spiritual coaching for nearly two decades now and I never cease to wonder, Who is really doing the coaching here? I am constantly learning from and growing with my clients, and nothing is more exhilarating than checking in with them and finding so much synchronicity. It's a constant reminder that we're all on the same road together.
One of my greatest lessons to date is, as expressed in this blog's title, the Power of the Persona. This lesson truly rocked me to the core while on a call with a particularly motivated and powerful client. She was expressing to me that she felt so ready to begin a new chapter of her life, but there was this piece that was missing. She couldn't wrap her mind around how to get started. She had an idea of the new energy she wanted to bring in, but because she couldn't quite specify it she didn't know what the next step was.
I could totally relate to this. She was basically saying that she wanted to write her story, but didn't know what the title should be. As we continued our discussion, I suggested that very thing: Had she ever considered giving herself a title? Who did she want to be?
I told her to think about it, spend some time meditating on it. There's nothing more important in life than your spiritual work, for it shapes everything else that we experience. Therefore, deciding your title, the title of your story, is crucial.
Of course, this got me thinking: what is my title? You can't ask someone to do something you're not willing to do yourself if you want to be truly authentic. You must speak from a place of experience if you want to connect and resonate with others.
A week later, I had another session with the same client. She had her title (which was absolutely perfect for her, by the way) and she was so lit up and excited! She knew the exact image she wanted to emulate and had already taken several steps to create her new persona. She had finally begun to write her story. Her energy was so infectious and inspiring, when I got off the phone with her I went into a deep meditation on my own. I asked myself the following questions:
What do I want the world to know about me? Who do I want to become?
What do I believe that my path is?
And the question was plain and simple. The Chakra Witch.
I can't be more grateful for it because it is that very title that has led you here. It has allowed me to expand my own story, and is the energy and magick that I would love to work with you.
But first, here is my challenge to you:
Will you discover the power of your own persona?
What is your story?
Who are you destined to become?
I would love to hear from you and as always, Blessed Be!